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The Smartlog Group to install the biggest AutoStore in Spain


The Smartlog Group, the leading supplier of AutoStore robotics systems in Spain, has just signed a contract to install a 120,000-bin AutoStore, the biggest in Spain and one of the largest in southern Europe

Since Smartlog started out with AutoStore, it has developed and implemented projects in a wide range of industrial segments in the countries where it works.

This is the result of its extensive experience and capacity in the design of latest-generation intralogistics solutions, to enable its clients to make their intralogistics processes smart, so reinforcing their competitive position and sustainable growth.

Smartlog offers a vast range of robotics technologies and services for e-commerce, omnichannel distribution and microfulfillment, including order preparation, sorting, AMR, AS/RS, etc, as well as its own monitoring system and warehouse management software to inter-connect all the mechanisms and systems. This makes smart, predictive intralogistics management a real possibility.

Like this Smartlog consolidates its leading position as the top supplier of data-based, mobile robotics-centred, cutting-edge intralogistics solutions. These solutions definitively optimise availability, productivity and operating costs, at the same time enhancing service, consumer experience and business performance.

AutoStore empowered by Smartlog

AutoStore is a robot-based storage and order preparation system based on bins, that allows storage and management of picking tasks in a fast, optimal way. It is designed to handle large volumes of items with fast and slow movement, for a rapid rate of picking and operations requiring high-density storage. AutoStore smart robots process orders, locate the bins containing the items required and transport them to people’s work stations for final preparation. A system to give high-speed order preparation per square metre.

This is a robust system, the benefits of which include a near 100% availability rate. They currently work reliably and efficiently in hundreds of warehouses all over the world. When a robot or a port breaks down, productivity falls temporarily, but the system carries on functioning and taking out orders without any interruption. AutoStore robots work 24 hours a day.

Boost productivity by 250%, on the basis of improved picking performance and fast, efficient order preparation.

AutoStore is flexible, easily scalable and adapts constantly to present and future demand, both in the warehouse and in the growth of the business. Significant additional growth is possible simply by adding more bins, more robots or more ports to increase speed, all this without interrupting operations. Also, this system is easy to move to a new location.

A solution to make up to 400% better use of space. It allows as many configurations as necessary to adapt to different building heights, works on different levels and can even get round obstacles in the warehouse, like pillars or walls. The modular design of the system also allows it to be dismantled and reassembled in a new location.

AutoStore technology reduces your carbon footprint. It helps to save power, achieving a considerable saving on energy bills. The energy consumption of ten AutoStore robots is no more than a single conventional suction device, and they feature a technology for recharging batteries while working. Making the best use of space also reduces the floor space to be lit. Another of the advantages in sustainability terms is the ergonomic design of good to man work stations. The port is at the person’s height without no need to reach up or bend down to handle items.

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